Who Am I

This project was made to cause self awareness in my subjects lives as well as the viewers. In this project, my process was very simple. I photograph each individual and did a short interview asking them who are you? Each subject gave me a different response some explained who they were and others reflected and in conclusion found that they didn’t know who they were, but with strong conviction they knew they were on a journey to finding themselves.

Who are you?

“Im not sure, because I feel like I am at the point in my life where I am trying to figure that out all the time. Recently I realized I don’t really no much about myself and I feel like that stems from not spending enough time with myself.”

— Anahika Pierre

Do you believe you found yourself?

“No, I have not found myself necessarily, but I feel like one day I will have a personality explosion and slowly, but surely I will find my self.”

— Rebecca Victor

Who are you?"

“ I am a original

I am a encourager

I am a girl who found herself in Jesus Christ and I will never be the same.”

—Nancy Fleuridor


Perfect With No Make Up